Community Mennonite Fellowship

“Becoming faithful followers of Jesus Christ” is a one-liner declaration of our mission. Individually, and as a church, we use this simple mission statement like a mirror. When we want to know how we’re doing, we look at Jesus.

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Who do we think we are? 

The people who call themselves Community Mennonite Fellowship come from a variety of geographies, experiences and spiritual streams. Most of us were not raised in the Mennonite faith but were drawn to both the depths and simplicities of the Mennonite faith. More than one of has said, at some point, “Me, a Mennonite? No way!” Never say never! Quite simply, we place the highest priority on following Jesus in everyday life. WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) is not just a slogan for us, we think it’s the most rewarding pathway to spiritual life.